Theatre, memory and reparation in Rwanda
With: Dalila Boitaud, stage director, Cie Uz et coutûmes, Uzeste (Gironde, France), Assumpta Mugiraneza (social psychologist, Iriba Center, Kigali), Ariane Zaytzeff (Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Literature at University of Toulouse-le-Mirail). Facilitators : Maëline Le Lay (CNRS/IFRA-Nairobi) and Armelle Gaulier (LAM Bordeaux).
How to make art, and more specifically performing arts, about the Rwandan genocide? What are the stakes and the goals of such performances in contemporary Rwanda, in times of official calls for reconciliation and reparation ? How does theatre address issues such as the trauma’s heritage and the future?
French stage director, Dalila Boitaud, Rwandan social psychologist Assumpta Mugiraneza and French lecturer Ariane Zaytzeff will discuss these issues, confronting their views and experiences of making art in Rwanda and organizing workshops about arts & (post)memory.
Venue: IFRA
Date: 1st February 2019
Time: 4-6pm
Readings on Petit pays by Gaël Faye
With : Assumpta Mugiraneza (social psychologist, Iriba Center, Kigali), Ariane Zaytzeff (Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Literature at University of Toulouse-le-Mirail), Maëline Le Lay (CNRS/IFRA-Nairobi), Armelle Gaulier (LAM Bordeaux) and the Alliance française Reading club.
Rwandan social psychologist Assumpta Mugiraneza, French lecturers and researchers Ariane Zaytzeff, Armelle Gaulier and Maëline Le Lay will tell us about Gaël Faye’s musical and literary trajectory and will seek to ponder about the reasons of such a success by analyzing Petit Pays within the corpus of Rwandan genocide literature. Eventually the issue of the novel’s translation in Kinyarwanda and English in 2018 will be addressed.
Venue: Alliance Française de Nairobi
Date: 31st January 2019
Time: 5-7pm
These two seminars will be held in French.
Roundtable Theatre, memory and reparation
Readings on Petit Pays _ Rencontre autour de Petit Pays_ 31st Jan (Seminar in French)-1
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